11/8/16- SYRACUSE.COM- Darien Tompkins featured for CBA Swim
09/15/2016- SYRACUSE.COM- Hannah Kellogg featured for F-M Varsity Swim
09/02/2016- ROME SENTINEL- Molly Riggleman featured for RFA Varsity Swim

08/31/2016- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Mattie Hicks & Bailey Simmons mentioned for Tennis
05/11/2016- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Three Oneida Dolpins win YMCA State Championships
07/30/2015- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Aidan Hicks and Ethan Schmitt Season Standouts
06/15/2015- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Oneida Dolphins Volunteer with Special Olympics
12/12/2014- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Oneida Varsity swimming
02/21/2013- MADISON COUNTY COURIER- Oneida Y Receives UPS Foundation Grant
01/21/2013- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Oneida swim team prepares for Section III championships in debut season
01/11/2013- Winter Whiteout mention in Oneida Dispatch

12/18/2012- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Oneida boys swimmers continue to improve
09/12/2012- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Oneida City Schools approve boy's swim team
05/03/2012- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Coverage of Margaret Hoelzer Visit
04/29/2012- YNN COVERAGE OF MARGARET HOELZER- Margaret Hoelzer Coverage
03/21/2012-ONEIDA DISPATCH- Oneida YMCA Dolphins finish successful youth swim -seasonhttp://oneidadispatch.com/articles/2012/03/21/sports/doc4f6a738ebaf95118943405.txt
12/25/2011- ONEIDA DISPATCH- Winter Whiteout Meet Coverage- http://www.oneidadispatch.com/articles/2011/12/25/sports/doc4ef7ce7279cf9125087303.txt
08/04/2011-ONEIDA DISPATCH- Summer League Championships http://www.oneidadispatch.com/articles/2011/08/04/sports/doc4e3b3f96b6db9955555493.txt
02/05/2010- EAGLE NEWS- YMCA Dolphins have a successful inaugural season http://cnylink.com/news/view_news.php?news_id=1266241431